list and describe two types of young alcoholics

The young antisocial alcoholic subtype starts drinking at 15 and develops an AUD around 18. Most young antisocial alcoholics are also male (about three-quarters of the group). Young adults tend to drink less often than older alcoholics, but they binge drink more. The young adult subtype 5 types of alcoholics also often abuses other substances besides alcohol and rarely seeks treatment. In the U.S., the young adult alcoholic subtype comprises 31.5% of all alcoholics. This demographic’s average age is 24, with most being male, single, still in school, and with family histories of alcoholism.

  • If you identify yourself as any of the above types of alcoholic, Avenues Recovery is ready to support you.
  • They have moderate rates of major depression (24%) and smoking cigarettes (43%), and low rates of anxiety disorders, other substance use disorders, and the lowest rates of having legal problems (fewer than 1%).

Getting Help for Alcoholism

Or a person may switch from one type to another depending on their life circumstances or stage of recovery. An individual can fit into more than one category of the five types of alcoholics. Alcohol addiction can present differently in individuals, and there may be overlapping features or a combination of subtypes within an individual’s drinking patterns and behaviors. Intermediate familial alcoholics may also have other mental health problems such as major depression, bipolar disorder, or generalized anxiety disorder. This group has one of the lowest education levels of any subtype and also has the lowest employment rate.

Is Binge Drinking Considered Alcoholism?

  • Only 17% of functional alcoholics have ever sought help for their alcohol dependence.
  • Alcoholism is considered to be a heritable disease, as NIAAA reports that genetics can account for about half of the risk for developing the disease.
  • This category of alcoholics generally start drinking at a young age of 15 and develop alcohol dependence at an early age of 18.
  • Chronic severe alcoholics abuse other drugs at higher rates than the other subtypes of alcoholics as well.
  • In collecting the study data, the researchers made use of several characteristics of the Swedish social system that allow extensive data collection.

Repeated binge drinking episodes may lead to the development of alcoholism or AUD over time. An alcoholic is someone who has developed an alcohol dependence and is experiencing physical and psychological cravings, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms when trying to cut down or quit. Chronic severe alcoholics have the highest rate of family members who also experience alcohol dependence at 77%.

list and describe two types of young alcoholics

Alcoholism Stages and Subtypes: What You Need To Know

list and describe two types of young alcoholics

The young adult and young antisocial subtypes may be less likely to understand the seriousness of alcohol use disorder and how it can affect their physical and mental health long term. The most effective treatment protocol involves educating them about the risks and how chronic alcohol misuse can interfere with their life goals. The provider will also help them set goals for reducing alcohol consumption by explaining the difference between moderate and binge or heavy drinking. The smallest subtype is chronic severe alcohol use disorder, comprising only 9% of Americans with AUD. They are mostly middle-aged with high rates of co-occurring disorders including antisocial personality disorder.

How do the 5 Types of Alcoholics Differ in Terms of Their Drinking Patterns and Behaviors?

Although these alcoholics appear to be functional, they still suffer from an addiction to alcohol. Less than 20 percent of this category seek help, and most do so through a 12-step program or private health care professional. The young adult subtype is less likely to be employed or married but is more likely to be in college in comparison to other subtypes. Although this category consumes less frequently than others, they are more prone to engage in binge drinking.

Their abuse of alcohol is typically moderately severe, requiring treatment. Unlike Type 1 alcoholism, however, the severity of alcohol abuse in those with Type 2 alcoholism doesn’t change over time. Intermediate familial alcoholics make up another fifth of all the alcoholics in America. They are usually middle-aged, and about half of them come from families with a history of alcoholism.

Who May Be at Risk of Alcohol Use Disorder?

This category also shows the highest rates of other substance use disorders, including addiction to marijuana, meth, cocaine, opioids, and cigarette. It is determined that roughly 31.5% of alcoholics fall into the category of young adults, which is the largest single group. This group tends to begin drinking at an early age (around 19) and also develops an alcohol dependence early (around 24).

list and describe two types of young alcoholics

However, the truth is that alcoholics come in all shapes and sizes, and they don’t fit into one single mold. MAT uses medications approved by the FDA to treat AUD alongside counseling and behavioral therapies. These medications can help reduce cravings, block the effects of alcohol, and treat withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and insomnia. This type of treatment allows you to receive help in an outpatient setting while still attending to your everyday responsibilities. This is a great option for people with mild to moderate addiction and those who have already gone through inpatient treatment.

What Are the Different Types of Alcoholism?

In cases when a person has a long history of alcohol misuse or has existing liver damage, providers may prescribe medications, like topiramate or baclofen, that are less taxing on the liver. People who regularly drink heavily may experience severe or dangerous alcohol withdrawal symptoms if they quit cold turkey. A better approach can be to set goals to taper or gradually lower one’s alcohol intake. This strategy may be most appropriate for anyone currently drinking heavily when they seek treatment, such as the chronic severe subtype. Nearly 50 percent have a family history of alcoholism, and co-occurring mental illness is prevalent.

list and describe two types of young alcoholics

A study in Sweden in 1987 was the first to classify alcoholics as either Type 1 or Type 2, describing in detail alcoholism’s neurogenetic adaptive mechanisms. The typology developed from findings of adoptees and their adoptive and biological parents. For one thing, knowing the differences is crucial to identify different kinds of alcohol use for treatment purposes. It would be impossible to create an effective treatment plan for an individual with alcoholism without knowing which type of alcoholism they have. Copers drink to avoid life’s worries and feelings of depression and anxiety.

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